Μια ματιά στους δρόμους της Ευρώπης

Όταν ταξιδεύετε με αυτοκίνητο στο εξωτερικό, είναι χρήσιμο να γνωρίζετε την κατάσταση των οδικών δικτύων, ώστε να αποφεύγετε τις όποιες ταλαιπωρίες και να είστε σε θέση να επαναπροσδιορίζετε καθ' οδόν την πορεία σας. Δείτε παρακάτω ένα κατάλογο με ιστοσελίδες στις οποίες μπορείτε να βρείτε στοιχεία για τη κίνηση στους δρόμους και τα σύνορα των περισσοτέρων χωρών της Ευρώπης, καθώς και πληροφορίες για τη κατάσταση των δρόμων, τα έργα που γίνονται και άλλα. Σε πολλές από αυτές υπάρχουν συνδέσεις με webcams για έλεγχο της κυκλοφορίας σε πραγματικό χρόνο.
Flanders, a lot of cams from Flanders (Vlaanderen) and Brussels.
Wallonie, cams from the Francophone part of Belgium.
Flanders, a lot of cams from Flanders (Vlaanderen) and Brussels.
Wallonie, cams from the Francophone part of Belgium.
Czech Republic
Autoroutes.fr Collection of cams from the French toll motorways
** Centre Est Cams from DIR Centre Est, on state roads around Lyon.
** DIR Est Cams on national roads in the Grand Est.
Lyon, Périférique
** Massif Central Cams from DIR Massif Central, the state road operator in the region.
Mont Blanc, cams at the French portal of the Mont Blanc tunnel between Chamonix and Courmayeur.
Paris, a look at the Périférique from the TF1 tower 1 | 2
** Centre Est Cams from DIR Centre Est, on state roads around Lyon.
** DIR Est Cams on national roads in the Grand Est.
Lyon, Périférique
** Massif Central Cams from DIR Massif Central, the state road operator in the region.
Mont Blanc, cams at the French portal of the Mont Blanc tunnel between Chamonix and Courmayeur.
Paris, a look at the Périférique from the TF1 tower 1 | 2
Baden-Württemberg. Various cams throughout the state.
Bottrop, Gelsenkirchen and Gladbeck in the Ruhrgebiet region. 10 inner-city cams.
Dresden, several cams in town
Essen, Dreieck Essen
Hamburg, cams on the A1 (Saarbrücken - Köln - Lübeck) and the A7 (Flensburg - Füssen)
Hamburg-Stellingen, cam on the A7 (Flensburg - Füssen)
Hannover, Autobahn cams around Niedersachsen's capital
Hessen, cams from around Frankfurt. 1 | 2
Köln (Cologne)
Magdeburg, cams throughout town
** Nordrhein Westfalen Statewide cams.
Rheinland-Pfalz, motorway cams through the state.
Baden-Württemberg. Various cams throughout the state.
Bottrop, Gelsenkirchen and Gladbeck in the Ruhrgebiet region. 10 inner-city cams.
Dresden, several cams in town
Essen, Dreieck Essen
Hamburg, cams on the A1 (Saarbrücken - Köln - Lübeck) and the A7 (Flensburg - Füssen)
Hamburg-Stellingen, cam on the A7 (Flensburg - Füssen)
Hannover, Autobahn cams around Niedersachsen's capital
Hessen, cams from around Frankfurt. 1 | 2
Köln (Cologne)
Magdeburg, cams throughout town
** Nordrhein Westfalen Statewide cams.
Rheinland-Pfalz, motorway cams through the state.
Nationwide Lots of cameras on the Autostrade Srl network, Italy's biggest.
Autostrada del Brennero. Cams between the Austrian border at the Brenner and the A1 at Modena.
Autostrada di Fiori, cams on the A 10 (Ventimiglia - Savona)
Bergamo, a cam along the A 4 (Torino - Trieste)
Bolzano (Bozen), views of the A 22 (Brenner - Modena) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
** BreBeMi. Cams from the A35 (Milano - Bergamo - Brescia).
Brescia - Padova, webcams on the A 4 (Torino - Milano - Trieste)
Gran San Bernardo. A cam at the Italian end of the tunnel that connects Aosta with Switzerland.
Milano. Several cams on the ring road (Tangenziale) of Milan and on the A7 (Milano - Genova) near town. 1 | 2
Monte Bianco, cams at the Italian portal of the Mont Blanc tunnel between Chamonix and Courmayeur.
Napoli. If you want to see Napels before you die, check out these cams. 1 | 2
Roma, four cams on the ring road (Gran Raccordo Anulare)
Sterzing (Vipiteno) toll station, close to the northern terminus of the A22 (Brenner - Modena)
Südtirol / Alto Adige. Links to webcams throughout the province.
Torino, couple of webcams on the A 32 (Torino - Lyon)
** Torino - Aosta. Cams on the A5.
Torino - Milano. Cams on the westerly part of the A4 (Torino - Trieste).
Torino - Piacenza. Cams on the westerly part of the A21 (Torino - Brescia).
Veneto. Webcams on the A4 and A57 from CAV.
Venezia - Trieste. Cams from Autovie Venete.
Nationwide Lots of cameras on the Autostrade Srl network, Italy's biggest.
Autostrada del Brennero. Cams between the Austrian border at the Brenner and the A1 at Modena.
Autostrada di Fiori, cams on the A 10 (Ventimiglia - Savona)
Bergamo, a cam along the A 4 (Torino - Trieste)
Bolzano (Bozen), views of the A 22 (Brenner - Modena) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
** BreBeMi. Cams from the A35 (Milano - Bergamo - Brescia).
Brescia - Padova, webcams on the A 4 (Torino - Milano - Trieste)
Gran San Bernardo. A cam at the Italian end of the tunnel that connects Aosta with Switzerland.
Milano. Several cams on the ring road (Tangenziale) of Milan and on the A7 (Milano - Genova) near town. 1 | 2
Monte Bianco, cams at the Italian portal of the Mont Blanc tunnel between Chamonix and Courmayeur.
Napoli. If you want to see Napels before you die, check out these cams. 1 | 2
Roma, four cams on the ring road (Gran Raccordo Anulare)
Sterzing (Vipiteno) toll station, close to the northern terminus of the A22 (Brenner - Modena)
Südtirol / Alto Adige. Links to webcams throughout the province.
Torino, couple of webcams on the A 32 (Torino - Lyon)
** Torino - Aosta. Cams on the A5.
Torino - Milano. Cams on the westerly part of the A4 (Torino - Trieste).
Torino - Piacenza. Cams on the westerly part of the A21 (Torino - Brescia).
Veneto. Webcams on the A4 and A57 from CAV.
Venezia - Trieste. Cams from Autovie Venete.
Nationwide cameras from the Verkeers Informatie Dienst (the Dutch traffic information service).
Nationwide cameras from the Verkeers Informatie Dienst (the Dutch traffic information service).
Nationwide from Estradas de Portugal
Nationwide from Estradas de Portugal
Nationwide cams from the Spanish Directorate of Main Roads.
Barcelona, many webcams in the Catalan capital
Madrid, inner city cams.
Sevilla, mostly shots from its urban area
Nationwide cams from the Spanish Directorate of Main Roads.
Barcelona, many webcams in the Catalan capital
Madrid, inner city cams.
Sevilla, mostly shots from its urban area
Göteborg, cams around town
Ölandsbron, a bridge on the E22.
Stockholm, several cams in and around the capital
Göteborg, cams around town
Ölandsbron, a bridge on the E22.
Stockholm, several cams in and around the capital
Nationwide cameras from ViaSuisse
Brüttisellen, just east of Zürich on the A1 (Genève - Zürich - Bregenz).
Genève, several webcams on the A1 (Genève - Zürich - Bregenz)
Gotthardtunnel, several cams on both sides of the Gotthard on the A2 (Basel - Gotthard - Chiasso) 1 | 2
Grand Saint Bernard. A cam at the Swiss end of the tunnel that connects Switzerland with Aosta.
Magadino on the A13 (Bellinzona - San Bernardino - Bregenz)
Sankt Gallen, cams on and around the A1 (Genève - Zürich - Bregenz)
Zürich 1 | 2
Nationwide cameras from ViaSuisse
Brüttisellen, just east of Zürich on the A1 (Genève - Zürich - Bregenz).
Genève, several webcams on the A1 (Genève - Zürich - Bregenz)
Gotthardtunnel, several cams on both sides of the Gotthard on the A2 (Basel - Gotthard - Chiasso) 1 | 2
Grand Saint Bernard. A cam at the Swiss end of the tunnel that connects Switzerland with Aosta.
Magadino on the A13 (Bellinzona - San Bernardino - Bregenz)
Sankt Gallen, cams on and around the A1 (Genève - Zürich - Bregenz)
Zürich 1 | 2
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